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In order to use any piece of equipment at uCreate, you must have completed a uCreate induction and have it booked.
Most of the equipment at uCreate is self-service.
Equipment rules of use:
- You must attend and use your bookings (on time) or cancel them in advance - repeat no shows may be removed from the system.
- If you are late for a booking it may be cancelled without warning so another maker can use the equipment.
- Maximum two 3D printers bookable by one person at any one time. Your bookings may be cancelled without warning if you have excessive bookings.
- If your booking (specifically 3D print) overruns into another maker's slot, you will be asked to stop and your 3D print may be cancelled without warning - allow extra time for troubleshooting when making your bookings.
If you have not completed a uCreate induction, please book onto an induction.
If you encounter any problems with the booking system, please contact us.