FDM Queue (PLA) - Prusa Mini



This print queue is great for almost all of your 3D printing needs. It prints in white PLA filament, the same material as our self-service 3D printers within the Makerspace. 

The FDM (PLA) queue uses basic, small 3D printers with strictly limited print settings. The maximum build size of the Prusa Mini is 180 x 180 x 180 mm. 

If you wish to use other printers or settings you can come into the Makerspace in person and use the 3D printers yourself. To do this book an induction here.  


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Preparing files for the FDM Queue (PLA) - Prusa Mini

Process steps
Prusa Slicer Logo
Process step description

We recommend slicing with Prusa Slicer.

Download Prusa Slicer here. 

See the video below to guide you through the process. 

Prusa Slicer Logo
Process step description

Your slicing settings should read as follows.

You may turn off supports if they are not required for your model. 

Always print with a brim. 

Prusa Mini slicing settings

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FDM Queue Workflow

Process steps
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Process step description

Slice your model using the Prusa Mini

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Upload your .gcode file below. We’ll check it for issues and add it to the queue.

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We’ll be in touch when your print starts, is ready to collect or if you need to re-slice your model.

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As each of your models are printed - you will receive an email. Once all of your submissions are complete you can come and collect them from the Makerspace in the Main Library.

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FDM 3D Printing Top Tips

Process steps
Benchy with supports
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Process step description

If you are new to 3D printing, always print with supports.

If you are an expert in 3D printing, you might want to use 'organic' (tree) supports as these can be easier to remove from complex forms. You can change support type in your print settings. 

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Process step description

New versions of Prusa Slicer may save your file as .bgcode rather than .gcode.

It must be .gcode to upload to our print queue. Click here to see where to change this in your settings.

Multiple files
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Multiple files
Process step description

If you would like multiple of the same file printed, these must all be submitted separately.

It really helps us out if each submitted file is given a different name. 



Please read and adhere to the following rules to ensure everyone at the university has the opportunity to experiment with 3D printing:

  1. This service is only available to current University of Edinburgh students and staff.
  2. All 3D prints submitted to the queue will be carried out on a first come first served basis.
  3. If you submit multiple files at the same time these will be printed back to back on the same printer, not across all printers.
  4. Print file preparation is self-service. Failures due to slicing user error is the responsibility of the file uploader. You will receive a feedback email if we believe your model needs resliced.
  5. You may not have more than 15 uncollected prints in the queue at one time, we may delete larger quantities of submissions from the queue without warning.
  6. Include standard characters only in your file names.